Any awesome ideas in preparing a 1-2lb deer sirloin tip roast? - deer sirloin tip roast
1. Marinade Recipe
2. Softening of the ideas
3. Oven or stove
My experince is with beef, it is sometimes dry, or that looks and feels good, but if the taste is sweet.
I marinated it anywhere 8 to 24 hours.
Thanks in advance
DEER fillet on rice
Deer 2 kg beef, cut or long (in 1-inch cubes)
2 v. soup. Bacon grease
2 cubes beef stock (in 1 cup hot water)
2 v. soup. Soy sauce
1 teaspoon of soup. Worcestershire sauce
1 package brown gravy mix (dissolved in 1 / 4 cup cold water)
Hot cooked rice
Heat oil in a large frying pan, diced wild brown fat in the bacon. Add chicken broth, soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce. Cover and simmer about 1 hour, basting or until meat is tender. Add sauce mixture gently, stirring constantly. Cook over medium heat until the sauce thickens. Serve over rice.
Deer marinade
1 C. soy sauce
1 / 4 cup brown sugar
1 / 2 tsp. Garlic powder
1 pkg. Italian dressing (dry)
1 onion, finely chopped
1 1 / 2 c. Oil
Mix ingredients and pour the meat. The meat is cut into 1 / 2 "strips or fillets. Marinate at least 2 hours. Drain the sauce from the Meat Loaf and flour and cook until done.
Dilute 1 / 2 cup of rock salt with small amounts of hot water. Mix in 3 / 4 cup of the frontNo sugar. Add 3 ounces of liquid soy sauce and cooking wine red, 1 tablespoon garlic powder, a handful of liquid smoke, Tabasco sauce, and 10 handles. Mix well and add enough water, 1 / 2 gallons to make. Completely cover the meat and seal. Soak at least 8 hours wet, plus the tough meat.
Well, there are certain things you can do. A simple game (beef) stew.
Sauerbraten. I come from a real for a roast marinated in wine or beer and spices, at least two days.
Otherwise, it would be very tempted to make one of two things.
Chile 1) Game
2) partially freeze a few slices of bacon and burgers make an impressive game. Cut the meat into small pieces and ground to a piece of bacon. We can not do everything at once to the grout.
It's actually more of a steak, I know it's a deer, and is therefore assessed as low.
Cut in strips and then in flour and fry bread is very dry.
You do not know why we speak of game and beef. Not really something that, like other meats that are red.
You can try Italian dressing all day marinated.
If you are black pepper, garlic powder and flour and sprinkle his grilled meat, stab a lot with a barbecue fork into the meat mix. Sear on all sides and in a pot. Cover the meat halfway through a mixture of soy sauce, black coffee (regular or decaffeinated - when the immediate use, packaged mix 1 tablespoon hot water 1 c), and the basis for beef. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of tea packaged together beef broth in 1 cup boiling water and a mixture of the above. Pour over meat and water up to half of the meat. Cover and bake at 350 degrees for 1 1 / 2 to 2 hours.
The coffee blend of soy sauce is a tenderizer and will make the meat very tender. Pepper and garlic, the meat of the season. Add vegetables (carrots, onions, potatoes) 30-45 minutes before you are ready to eat. It has a beautiful dark brown sauce and everything you need to do is to thicken.
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